Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sense of Humor Required

I've decided one of the top things needed to survive this mothering adventure is a sense of humor. Without it I'd be bald and probably wearing a straight jacket.

This was the scene in our kitchen this morning. Spence, who started running a fever last night, wanted juice. But no juice was good enough. Not the regular juice in the orange cup, or the purple juice in the green cup, or the green juice in the blue cup, or the red juice in the Sponge Bob cup, or the blue juice in the straw cup. They all tasted yucky according to Spence because they didn't have that thing. We could never pinpoint what "that thing" was. I am happy to report that we found the combination that worked this afternoon: red juice in a blue cup with an orange lid. Yay for Nana for finding the winning combo! And a big thank you to Nana for coming to stay with the little sicky so I could enjoy my Women's luncheon!


Anonymous said...

AWWWHHH poor Spence!
Hope you feel better soon!

Rita said...

Did Allie share?????