Allie's New Year's Resolution: Get sweeter every day!I've been going back and forth trying to decide whether to make New Year's Resolutions and share them or not. I
HATE New Year's resolutions! Why? Because I never keep them! I would love to lose weight, eat healthier, get my house organized, be more environmentally friendly, and about 20 other wishful things. But if I write that list out and share it with the world, isn't that like jinxing myself? If no one knows I made them, then no one will know I failed, right?
All that said, it just seems natural that every new year I should set some goals for myself. My wonderful mother-in-law gave me a subscription to Woman's Day magazine, and I've found some great tips for making changes this year. One article suggested taking on one challenge each month. That sounds interesting. And difficult. I tend to have about 7 things going at once, and none of them getting finished! Maybe I could succeed if I focused on one change per month. Here's a site I found in WD that has given me some downloadable charts to use to plan out menus and keep a food journal: (Look under Top 10 Posts on the right-hand side.)
So do I do it? Do I write out my resolutions here for all to see? I think I will! Except I'm not going to call them New Year's resolutions. That just reeks of doom. A few days ago in my quiet time I started a list called "What do I desire in this new year?" Then I thought I should add a second column to that list titled "How can I achieve this?" So here it is - my desires for 2010, with ways to make those desires happen in parenthesis:
- To have a closer relationship with Jesus (daily quiet time, prayer, reading Bible, scripture memory)
- To be the best wife I can be (Sometimes I focus all my energy on being a good Mommy and wife gets overlooked. Spend quality time with Brian, be an encourager to him, make my love for him characterized by the qualities of 1 Cor. 13:4-8 that I learned in my last Bible study -if anyone is interested I can write more about this later)
- Develop friendships (pray about it, be active in inviting others to do things)
- Get healthier (Doesn't this sound much better than lose weight? Make better food choices, exercise, keep a food journal)
- Organize my house (Make a plan, get everyone on board with the plan, list where things go, stick with it daily)
There it is! Out there for the world to see. Luckily I know you guys would love to support me in this venture, not laugh at me if I fail. I don't expect to lose 15 pounds, become a social butterfly, and have a junk-free house by March. I think I have pretty realistic expectations. I just plan to take it one day at a time. Feel free to leave me a comment asking how I'm doing. I would love it! And I would love to hear if you have any desires for yourself in 2010. Share them in the comment section if you dare!