Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Birthday Presents

Coleman opened his birthday present from us last night. It was a Star Wars Clone Trooper Blaster Game. Pretty much a gun that connects to your TV and has you shoot droids and other Star Wars bad guys. He loved it!

Excited about his new Star Wars game

Daddy, Coleman, and Spence played last night. Then today as we were coming back from school, Coleman said, "I want to play my Star Wars game again today. Now that I'm 5 I think I'll be better." Daddy printed out a birthday card that showed Coleman what his other present is: going to see a real race! That will be some time next month.

Inside his card, Daddy printed pictures of the race the boys will go to next month (they will have hot dogs and Sprite while there!)


Rita said...

How exciting!!! 5 years old!!!! Cute picture of the "boys"..

(nice sweater, Brian!)

Jennifer said...

How fun! I am sure they will have so much fun at the race while you get a little girl time with Allie!

Paul and Candice said...

What fun birthday presents!!! That race will be a lot of fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!