Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This Wacky Life I Lead

This morning Spence woke up not feeling well. I could tell he didn't feel great, but I thought we were over the bug. We dropped Allie off at school then headed out to do some errands. I had placed three items into the shopping cart at Wal-Mart when Spence threw up. Luckily he was sitting on a towel in the cart, so most of it was contained to the towel and the Vtech game he was playing. Whatever had dripped onto the floor in the produce department I was able to wipe up with a strategically placed paper towel roll. I put back our apples, grapes, and one tomato (those things are pricey right now!) and we left. It wasn't until after we left that I realized I should have notified someone about the puked-in cart. Yeesh.

Spence was feeling better this afternoon, so once we picked up Allie we stopped at Kroger to pick up some groceries. I wanted to get Spence a new toothbrush, and they had a 4 pack of super hero ones. Great! Except they've all been played with now. It's like they got a new package of toys. These are pretty cool toothbrushes though, with little suction cups on the end. I'm guessing the manufacturer had in mind that kids wouldn't have to lay their toothbrush on the germy counter, not that they would make excellent diving boards for knights when stuck to the window.

Click to get a better view!

Spence's knight taking the plunge!

Spence the pillow head

Coleman recorded Spence walking around with the pillow on his head, then they all laid down and watched the video together!

Allie "talking" on the phone

This day really wasn't anything too out of the ordinary. Well, we usually don't literally barf in Wal-Mart, but other than that, crazy things happen around here. I will cherish these days! (I'm repeating that phrase over and over as I take deep, relaxing breathes.)

*****Updated with a prayer from Spence to end the day*****

Dear God,
Thank you for our clocks and all the clocks you give us. And our light switches, and our eyes, and our nose, and our ears, and our lips, and our collars. Amen.


Rita said...

Someday it will all be a blur...who was it that threw up at Walmart??? really....

Such creative minds at your house....toothbrushes with many lifes!!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking creative minds too as I read your post!
A new invention.. Emergency bags for kids.. bet you would make a million selling those.. LOL Remember me when you make that million...
Sweet Allie talking on the phone.
That is a great picture!
Great grandmother and
Great Aunt Debbie gift!
Cloeman the movie man.. that is so cool!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say..
Spences book of prayers..
That would be so cool.

Anonymous said...

You used to get the forks and spoons out of the drawers and pertend they were people. You were very creative, too.

Paul and Candice said...

What is the deal with toothbrushes and kids??? Mine PLAY with them, too. Drives me crazy because when we NEED one, there all over the house. OK, not kidding, Judson just came up to me with a tube of his toothpaste in his mouth!

I do love the creativity they had with the suction cup toothbrushes. Very cute!

Allie just keeps getting cuter and cuter! She should give J a call sometime:)

Anonymous said...

What a joy it must be at your house!! Please write more-cool toothbushes! Allie's learning early how to use the phone-so cute! Mary