Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun at the Fun Run

Wednesday Coleman participated in his school's Boosterthon Fun Run. It was a fundraiser for the school where the kids got pledges for running laps. They had a set amount of time and were supposed to run between 25 and 35 laps (each lap being 1/16 mile). A course was set up with cones and inflatable arches to run through. Coleman did awesome! He ran 35 laps and could have kept going. On the back of their shirts was a place for volunteers to mark their laps, so at the end of each lap they had to stop briefly to get a mark on their backs. I thought that would make it chaotic, but it really didn't. It went pretty smoothly. There was also a water station set up so the runners could get a drink when they needed. Fun music was played and everyone cheered the runners on! I loved it! The kids raised over $23,000!
Getting pumped up to run!

Coleman's cheering squad

Coming around the corner

Stopping to get a mark - gotta keep up with those laps to get all your pledges

One day they'll get to run too

Coleman and his best buddy from his class

A little monkey at the park

I've been a slacker this week, then blogger was down last night. So I have three posts today. Keep reading to find out what fell from our sky yesterday, and where we went today!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome job Coleman did!!
Wow, $23,000 is a good chunk of money!!

Rita said...

Great job, Coleman!!! You sure ran a long way!!!!!! Just like Uncle Brent and Aunt Andrea!! Champions!!

Anonymous said...

Coleman you are fabulous!
Keep up the good work..
Yes you did run a long long way!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Coleman!! I bet you had a great time running--What a good job!!! Mary