Allie performed in two Christmas programs this week! On Tuesday, she sang and was the "star" of her school show. Literally the star - the Christmas star! The first few pictures are of her class and the 3 year old class. After they sing there's a short intermission and they change into their Nativity clothes. I've loved watching all three of my kids participate in this tradition. I had to click through picture after picture of her serious face to find one of her smiling, so you better enjoy it!
And just for kicks, her super serious face too:
Their Nativity scene. Mary is her BFF!
The music teacher told me how Allie came up with a plan to hold the star and perform the motions all at the same time. Mrs. Roxy was pretty impressed with her!
By the end of Allie's program, I was pretty sure I had been hit by the tummy bug. When we got home I went straight to the couch and a few hours later I knew for sure I had a tummy bug. Wasn't pretty. Thankfully my mom was at our house and she was a HUGE help! Thank you Nana!!! She got the boys all ready for school the next day and entertained Allie while I slept. I couldn't stand up for more than 30 seconds until about 5:30 Wednesday evening. I had two goals: not to get anyone else sick and to make it to Allie's 7:00 performance at church! So far no one else has puked, and we made it to the show! Super Serious Face made another appearance also. You won't see the boys in any of these pictures though. They didn't want to be in the play. They passed out programs before it started. Too bad I didn't get any pictures! They looked very handsome.
The kids all did an amazing job! And most importantly shared the true meaning of Christmas!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago