Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Things That Are Snot Supposed to Happen

Brian and I feel like we may have broken some sort of record. We were parents for over 6 1/2 years before one of our children cut their own hair! Spence put an end to that last week. He had been working on some little projects with paper, scissors, and glue so nicely all week. The thought crossed my mind that maybe I shouldn't walk out of the room and leave him alone with scissors, but obviously I ignored it. For the amount of hair I found on the floor, it doesn't look too bad!

Allie has been really snotty lately. This picture was taken one day after she woke up from her nap. She was not in the best of moods.

I can't always look beautiful...


Rita said...

Poor Spence looks like he has some sort of Fungus growing in his scalp!!!

And...Allie....sorry....you still look cute to me!!

Rhonda said...

Ohhhhh Amanda! HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! I'm laughing out loud!
You are such a sport and a good MOM!