Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Park With No Slides

Rita tells the story of taking the boys to Yellowstone Park when they were little and after driving around for hours, they asked, "Where's the park? Where are the swings?" So Brian promised himself he wouldn't make that mistake with his kids! But he did. Today we told the kids we were going to Brazos Bend State Park. It didn't take them long to realize this was not your everyday kind of park. Instead of slides there were alligators! I think they got over the fact that there was no playground and enjoyed the wildlife! Coleman and Spence were running along the path making siren noises and having a great time. Those of you that know Spence know how loud he can be. At one point he was running around and this man walked past him and said, "Hey blue boots, be quiet!" I'm gonna have to steal that line!

The first gator we spotted

Walking along the path

Grandpa giving Allie a ride

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

great pictures! What a wonderful family!!! Love you all