Friday, March 23, 2012

A True Picture

So often I don't take pictures because the house is a wreck, the kids' hair is messy, or they aren't even fully dressed. So after dinner tonight when we were eating popsicles outside I thought, "If only their faces were wiped off and Allie was wearing pants, I could take some pictures and post them." Then I realized that those pictures with clean faces, matching outfits, and combed hair are nice, but don't really show a true picture of what life looks like around here. So I went and got the camera and snapped away! These aren't pictures that will end up framed and hanging on our walls, but they capture our everyday life: messy and fun! So enjoy these "true to life" pictures. Oh, and ignore the garbage can in the background, pizza sauce on faces, and lack of clothing. Hey, pants are optional!

The best way to welcome Spring: popsicles in the driveway

"Hey kids, stand by that tree and smile" seemed simple enough, but proved to be quite a challenge.

Happy Spring everyone!


Anonymous said...

Everyday phots are so special!
Everyone just being themselves having fun!
It is amazing how big.. they all are!

Rita said...

Everyday is special....just being a kid having the pix's!