After reading stories at bedtime, we read a daily devotion to the boys from Jesus Calling for Kids. It's probably a little over Spence's head, but he always wants me to read it. That makes my heart happy. The other night it was talking about how Jesus is always with us, so I said to Spence, "You know who's there with you all day at school? Jesus!" To which he replied, "And my teacher." Ha! So true, Spence.
Today Allie and I had our first lunch date since the boys have been in school! This was of course proceeded by a trip to Hobby Lobby. That little girl can shop! I had to hand the cashier a pile of items that "somehow ended up in our cart." (Like the Betty Boop stickers that she wanted to buy for Spence. Adorable...) Driving up to Hobby Lobby, Allie saw a Chili's and wanted to go there sometime. So what better time than today! She was all in when I told her they had macaroni and cheese. I won't tell you how she refused to use her fork and stuffed macaroni in her mouth by the fistfuls. When our food came I asked Allie if she wanted to pray, but she said no. So I prayed, then at the end, she added, "And thank you for having lunch with Mommy alone!" Awwww... Again, this makes my heart happy.
Speaking of talking to Jesus, I've been getting up before the kids this
week and have had a chance to do my quiet time without 5,000
interruptions. It's been so nice, since this summer I slept in then
tried to read my devotional while simultaneously breaking up arguments,
pouring juice, and fetching more waffles. That didn't turn out so
well. It's sad that sometimes I push that time with God aside. I'm
praying that I will keep my focus on Him! And I'm remembering that He
has my children in His hands, which I am especially thankful for since
two thirds of them are out from under my watch 7 hours of the days.
Before I close out this post, I have to add something sweet about Coleman. He's the big brother that loves to pick on his little brother. But this morning when I told Spence that I wasn't walking in with him and reminded him just to walk all the way down the hall and he'd see the Kindergarteners sitting outside the classroom, he got nervous and was asking me to please walk in with him. Coleman said, "I'll walk you to your class, Spence." What a great big brother! And last week we wrote a letter to some missionaries in Turkey and Coleman wrote, "I am going to pray for you." And he has, every night. Which is special because he says the same prayer every night, and occasionally adds something new onto the end. There's that happy heart thing again.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
1 comment:
I do believe there are 3 children in Sugarland who are so blessed because they have this most wonderful Mom. Sometimes she wonders about this parent role,,,but aha...moments like those show you just what you are doing!!!!! Now I have a happy heart!!
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