Thursday, July 26, 2007

Amanda's First Post

I'm so excited about my first post. So is Spence. He's trying to help. OK, he is occupied with a rattle and a manual he found under the computer desk. Coleman is whining because I took his "car" away. It's being held as evidence in a hit and run. He allegedly used it to run over Spence. Otherwise all is calm here! Yeah, right... Maybe in about 18 years. But I love every minute of it. I know it goes by so fast. I assume most of my posts will be about the daily happenings of our household. Probably a funny saying uttered by a 2 year old. Like today, we were in the mall and Coleman said, "Look mommy! An alligator!" We were in the shoe department of Dillard's, so I thought, "Wow, how does he know those shoes are made from alligator?" I asked him to show me the alligator. Turns out he was talking about the escalator. I knew elevator was pronounced alligator in Colemanese, but I was unaware that escalator had the same pronunciation. Now I know. I'll try to keep most of my posts short so you'll want to come back often and read about my adorable, precious, brilliant children. Well, Spence is trying to disassemble the computer chair I'm sitting in, and Coleman is way too quiet. Better go...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for introducing me to the Pikkula's blog. I am so happy to see you guys enjoying your family so much. The stories on your blog are priceless (I think I like the corn one best). Take care. (Nice scar, Brian)

Ruth Post

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled you're blogging!
Now it'll feel a little like a visit.

I'm off to catch up on all your other posts and pic's...

Sherrie said...

Oh how I remember the toddler stage! How fun, they keep you on your toes! Before you know it they well be asking you for money for video games. Cherish these moments.
Love Ya