Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I let a big burp

Eating dinner tonight, Amanda told Coleman that he needed to eat just 2 kernels of corn in order to eat his coveted chocolate cookie. He was standing right next to my chair would put one in and make a face and spit it out. Finally, he chomped on it once and swallowed it. He let out a little gag and around his eyes got a little red. He did the same with the second and let out another gag. The next thing we knew he puked all his dinner right on the floor. Just mere seconds later he turned to me and said, "Can I have my cookie now?" I laughed so hard I nearly had an asthma attack. He started laughing and said another gem, "I let a big burp on the floor." I nearly had to reach for my puffer. That little man....

1 comment:

Todd Richards said...

Wow... this is fantastic. I can't wait to see this guy in action on Saturday when I come over.