Monday, November 03, 2008

Anybody Else a Little Worried?

Today I called my dear, beautiful, wonderful, amazing, godly friend Theresa. She's been spending much time in prayer leading up to tomorrow's election. She, like probably a lot of us, has been worried about what will happen to our nation. I have to admit that I have not been praying about it like I should. I tend to try to ignore a lot of it. I get discouraged because I want to understand what each candidate stands for, but I feel like they are all spending so much time bad-mouthing their opponents and twisting the truth that it's hard to know who to believe. That being said, I'm praying that all those undecided voters decide to go with McCain! I could care less what race or gender our next President and Vice President are, as long as they stand for the important things that I believe are right. Theresa said she came across this verse in her quiet time today, and I don't think she'd mind if I shared it with my readers.

Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.
Joshua 3:5

She said after reading that verse, her confidence was strengthened. Not so much her confidence in the voters or the politicians, but in our God! He is the One who rules our nation! He knows the outcome of tomorrow's election, and He's in control. Let's keep our nation and the leaders who will be chosen tomorrow in our prayers.

Now for a little lighter reading. When I first sat down to type this, Coleman was crawling all over me. Brian coerced him away by asking, "Who wants to put on a helmet and have some balls thrown at his head?!?!" Coleman was all for that! Brian stumbled upon a private school garage sale yesterday after church and we ended up buying 5 helmets (football, batting, catcher's mask, bike, and lacrosse) 'cause you can never have too many helmets lying around, and two sports jerseys for $7.50. What a deal!!! (Men agreeing, women still pondering the need for 5 helmets.) Last night the boys modeled all the helmets for Grandpa and Grandma via the webcam. I think they liked seeing it. We love being able to talk and see you guys whenever we want!


sheree said...

Jesus Christ is our Hope, always has been, and always will be. Thank God He is in control of our days and nights - no matter who is in office. My friend listed ten things that will still be true even after tomorrow's election. I will try to link her blog here. Praise the Lord.

Rita said...

Yes,, we did enjoy it...seeing the boys and all the helments and jerseys...what a may need to add a shed in the backyard for all the new tresures..LOL

I will email you somehting I received about our new president..whoever it is...that our God will be still our God...and it was good...I know how you feel's weird...I don't like thinking about the "change" may not be the change anyone really wants??????

Paul and Candice said...

Oh, what a find? We could use a few more helmets and definately another jersey! The next time we come to visit, I may not get Paul David to leave! He wants, as much as a 2 year old can want, a football helmet so bad. He tries so hard to put on Lovey's. So, I think all the moms of sports loving boys can be excited along with the dads out there. It does make them so happy!

Mrs. H said...

Hey Amanda, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a tiny bit worried...but I also know that God is complete control and whoever becomes our next president he knew along long time ago. So that makes me feel better about everything. I frequent Rachel Olsens' blog she is one of the proverbs 31 women and this is the post she left yesterday. I really enjoyed it!

Have a great day!

Paul and Candice said...

By the Way...Happy Birthday!!!