Friday, November 07, 2008

Our Newest Two Year Old

I can't believe my baby is two! If you ask him, he'll say he's two, but hold up all ten fingers like this:

Nana and Poppa arrived this evening and we had dinner at Chick-Fil-A. Spence had ice cream, even though he didn't eat his chicken. That's a birthday perk - dessert without having to eat your dinner. Tomorrow we'll have a little party. Coleman was begging for Spence to open one present tonight, and he promised he'd share with Spence! So we opened the present from Uncle Brent. It was a Thomas bath toy. They love it Uncle Brent and Aunt Drea!

This afternoon we were playing outside and Spence said, "Happy birthday, Coleman." Coleman said, "No, it's your birthday Spence!" So I asked Coleman about his birthday.

Mommy: When is your birthday, Coleman?
Coleman: January.
Mommy: Do you know what day?
Coleman: Twelfthmas.
Mommy: So your birthday is January twelfthmas?
Coleman: Yeah.

I'm guessing that's like Christmas?

1 comment:

Rita said...

What precious babes!!!!!!!!!!!