Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Spence's School Party

Today I took treats to Spence's class to celebrate his birthday.

Today the kids learned about dinosaurs. Coincidentally, Spence brought his friends dinosaur goodie bags! You'd think I was clued in and on top of things, but really I just got lucky.

Here is a picture of the boys in some of their new helmets.

Coleman loves to ride in the back of his dump truck. He pushes himself by turning the wheels just like you would in a wheel chair. He's wearing one of his new jerseys and helmet.

Tonight we celebrated my birthday at Jason's Deli. You already know what I had, so I won't bother saying! I'm more blessed this year than last. I love my family and friends and have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for all the cards and calls! Especially your card, Brian. It was so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you, and Spence . . . Happy Birthday to you, and Spence - well you get the picture. :)sheree

Rita said...

We love you too!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you and Spence!