Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Park With No Slides

Rita tells the story of taking the boys to Yellowstone Park when they were little and after driving around for hours, they asked, "Where's the park? Where are the swings?" So Brian promised himself he wouldn't make that mistake with his kids! But he did. Today we told the kids we were going to Brazos Bend State Park. It didn't take them long to realize this was not your everyday kind of park. Instead of slides there were alligators! I think they got over the fact that there was no playground and enjoyed the wildlife! Coleman and Spence were running along the path making siren noises and having a great time. Those of you that know Spence know how loud he can be. At one point he was running around and this man walked past him and said, "Hey blue boots, be quiet!" I'm gonna have to steal that line!

The first gator we spotted

Walking along the path

Grandpa giving Allie a ride

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wii Wish You a Merry Christmas!

Doin' a little dance because he was so excited about his Wii!

Merry Christmas everyone! We are so blessed to be spending ours with lots of family. And Rita and Gale will be here until Friday! Yay!

Santa brought Coleman the complete Star Wars saga

And Spence got a Shark Ship

Allie got up a little bit later and was more excited to see Grandma and Grandpa than see what Santa brought (isn't that sweet?) so I didn't get a picture of her. But Santa brought her a Princess flashlight. She's quite easily pleased.

The kids singing in Church this morning (And just so you know, I was very pleased with the look on Coleman's face. It could've been a lot worse!)

I'll hopefully have more pictures to share later. Hope you're all having a very Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Keeping Busy with Projects

I started to write about all the togetherness that my kids and I are getting during this Christmas break. But you don't want to hear about how they continually try to kill each other and I go lock myself in the bathroom. So instead let me show you some of the projects I've been working on!

I saw this on pinterest and fell in love! (I wish I could find the girl's site where I got the idea and give credit, but for some reason pinterest isn't working for me right now.) I cut out the fork, knife, and spoon on the green paper, then layered it over brown paper. Then I wrote "let's eat" with a brown pencil. Brian and I bought the frame in Austin last year and it's been sitting in my closet just waiting for me to use it. I love how this turned out! It's hanging on the wall by my kitchen table.

Let's eat!

My next project is hopefully the answer to books all over the place in the boys' room and digging for Church library books every Sunday morning.

When I first got these canvas storage boxes I tried to have them keep all their books in them. There's just something about books thrown on a bookshelf or strewn across the floor that really irks me. Anyway, keeping all the books in the boxes was a little too much. Plus they could never find the book they wanted.

Now the boxes are labeld "Library Books", "Chapter Books", and "I Can Read Books." I'm hoping this will help keep them a little more organized and easier to find. I love fun little projects!

A Tweaked Tradition

Every year I make Christmas cookies for the neighbors. I love picking out recipes and baking and passing them out. This year some neighbors came over to help and it was a blast! This has to be our new Christmas cookie tradition!

The kids rolling dough and making cookies (and a mess)

Allie and her friend thought it was play dough!

My friend made eggnog cutout cookies and I made raspberry almond thumbprints and these deliciouso Candy Cane Snow Balls. They are super yummy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Pikkula Family Christmas Card

Christmas Ribbons Christmas
Shutterfly has classic, elegant Christmas invitations for your party.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Everyone knows 13 is the Pancake Anniversary, right???

So what better place to celebrate than IHOP? We'll try to have a quiet dinner just the two of us after Christmas when family is in town. But this was a perfect way to spend our anniversary! Thirteen years ago I never would have imagined how blessed we would be.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Season's Happenings

Busy busy busy! There's been so much going on lately! Throw a stomach bug in the mix and things have been a little overwhelming. Spence, Brian, and Coleman all had the bug. Nana and Poppa were here, so we're praying that Allie, Nana, Poppa, and Mommy don't get sick. So far so good! Brian missed a day at work, then barely functioned the next day. Spence made it through his program Tuesday night, but woke up during that night throwing up. Coleman attempted to go to the Church program Wednesday night, but was rushed home where he later puked.

Other than the sickness, we've been having lots of fun around here!

Decorating ornaments at the MOPS Christmas party

Christmas card photo shoot (You'll see what she's holding up when you get the card!)

Waiting for Santa (and waiting, and waiting... for 1 hour and 20 minutes)

Allie was less than thrilled to see Santa!

Spence's school program

Spence is the shepherd behind the boy in the khaki jacket

Boot buddies ready for the Christmas parties at school!

Christmas program at Church (unfortunately Coleman was sick at home, and Spence was lying beside me on the pew)

Monday, December 12, 2011

My New Interest...

...Pinterest! I still don't fully understand repinning and all that goes along with the addictive site known as, but I've spent enough time to find some great craft and gift ideas! I'm in this phase of getting rid of useless junk, so I can't justify buying someone else something that will be useless junk for them or that will sit around and collect dust. I love my kids' teachers and always want to get them good gifts, but when there are 7 teachers to buy for, I can't afford to spend a lot of money on each. So frugal, useful gifts were on the list for this year. Everyone washes their hands, right? Hopefully, at least.

Aren't these too cute? I saw this idea on pinterest (here's the lady's site) and used it not only for the kids' teachers, but for the 15 child care workers for MOPS. I used Softsoap, removed the labels and cleaned off sticky residue with Goo Gone, created my own labels then took them to Kinko's and had transparencies made, cut the labels to fit, rolled them up and inserted them into the soap bottle, then used the end of a plastic fork to stick to the bottle and get in place. Simple! Adorable!

In addition to the Christmas soap bottle, I made this one for Coleman's teacher. If you can't read it, it says, "Wash those germs down the sink 'cause being sick really stinks!"

This is my other great find on pinterest (find it on this site). Brian found this frame at a garage sale and we figured we'd eventually have something to put in it. I spray painted it, then used hot glue to attach the fabric wreath and ornaments. Love it! The one I found on pinterest had a big bow at the top, but I'm an awful bow maker.

And here's one of the cutest things I have in my house this Christmas. I didn't get her on pinterest! Don't you love the smile. And the tights. I love Christmas dresses and tights.

But she looks equally as cute wrapped in the Christmas tree skirt! What a sweety!

Friday, December 02, 2011

Christmas PJs Are Back!

My weakness: Christmas pajamas! They are just so cute! For the last few years I had started thinking it was getting hard to find cute ones in Coleman's size. But this year I found some great ones online from Children's Place. Love the monsters! So sit back, sip some hot cocoa, and enjoy some Christmas PJ pictures!

At first I had envisioned a picture of them lying on the bed. Hmm. Didn't quite work out.

This one wasn't the right "pick" either.

Allie looks pretty adorable lying there. But her brothers are missing!

Maybe I should let them go crazy?

Two out of three isn't bad, huh?

A little more "cheese" than I was looking for.


Monday, November 28, 2011

The Last of November

November flew by! It seems like just yesterday Spence and I were celebrating our birthdays, now I'm decorating for Christmas! But before there's anymore Christmas talk, take a look at our Thanksgiving picture:

What a bunch of turkeys!!!

We spent Thanksgiving with my parents and had such a wonderful time. My mom cooked the best dinner, then we walked down the street to feed the goats and see the other farm animals. Mom had taken Allie to the farm when she was there a few weeks ago, and the lady told Mom to bring all the kids by sometime. I have to admit I felt a little guilty around the turkeys since I had just eaten one!

Beautiful turkeys - they walked around together and gobbled the whole time.

Dallas the cow

Come here, dinner!

Feeding the goats

The kids got to feed the chickens and see where they laid their eggs. It was a really awesome farm!

I have so much to be thankful for: a wonderful husband and 3 great children, the best parents and in-laws in the world, a home, friends, food, a church, and a Savior who loves me and gave His life for me. Now I'm ready to get in the Christmas spirit!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Thursday Spence and Allie had their Thanksgiving feasts at Mother's Day Out. I took peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Spence's class. I'm sure that was part of the main course at the first Thanksgiving!

Spence and his buddy at their feast

Friday at Coleman's school all the First Graders participated in a Turkey Parade. Unfortunately, I was home in bed with a stomach bug, but Brian and the kids got to go. Brian told me one little boy looked at Spence and said, "Look! A mini Coleman!"

Coleman, Spence, and the turkey we decorated

Coleman and his best buddy from his class

Coleman's class