Saturday, November 12, 2011

An Out of This World Party

For once being lazy paid off! Last month when I started thinking about Spence's birthday, I could not muster any desire to plan a party, buy decorations, send out invitations, get my house ready, or any of the stuff that comes with throwing a party. I was able to talk Spence into going to Space Center Houston for his birthday, even though I told him he could only invite two friends. I thought I was pretty awesome talking a five year old out of a birthday party with lots of friends and presents.
So today the five of us, the boys' friend Matt, Nana and Poppa, and Candice and Paul David headed south to see what NASA had to offer. It was great!

On the tram tour

Learning all about Mission Control

Where astronauts train

That little blue spot on the steps is Allie!

Allie says, "Whoa, big."

Paul David, Spence, Coleman, and Matt

The boys let Allie (and her crazy hair) in the picture

Spence learning to maneuver in space

I don't think your hands are supposed to go in the helmet, Spence.

Paul David would make a great astronaut!

Allie would have on those space shoes if they weren't behind glass!

AWESOME kids' play area!

Happy birthday Spence!

Space brownies (because you don't bake and decorate a cake for a lazy party!)


Rita said...

Looks like a great day celebrating Spence's 5th!!!

Anonymous said...

So much to see and do...
Great 5th birthday party!
But what was in the big blue box?

Rhonda said...

What a fun day!!!!!!
The pictures are great.