Sunday, January 29, 2012

Upward Action Shots... and More!

Saturday was Coleman's 4th basketball game. He's doing great and we're all loving it! I cannot recommend Upward sports highly enough. I've been so pleased with the experience. Here are a few shots from the game:

They begin with a prayer

Shoot, Coleman!

I'm really hoping that Coleman develops a love of basketball. That was mine and Brian's sport, so I'd love watching my kids play all through school!

And give it up for my younger two. It's hard work attaining this level of cuteness!

Today Brian took Coleman to a birthday party at the skating rink. The birthday boy plays hockey, but I hear hockey skates aren't for everyone! Apparently Coleman and the other little boys had to go trade in their hockey skates for figure skates. Coleman thinks skating is for 8 year olds! But Brian said he kept at it and got better.

Hugging the wall for dear life!

Looks like he had fun!


Rita said...

Oh my...he's growing up so fast!!

Rita said...

And yes...the 2 little ones are just adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the post!
Love the pictures..
They all are growing up...
Clothes must be coming in and out of your house.. monthly... the way they are growing..