Every so often I decide that I can't take the kids' eating habits any longer and I'm going to try to get them to eat more of a variety. I know, it's my own fault that I didn't start this earlier. Shame on me. Back to the story. Sunday after the football games, Spence and Allie accompanied me to the grocery store where they each picked out several fruits for the week (easy peasy... they love fruit) and then I asked them to pick out a vegetable they would like to try. Spence asked if lettuce was a vegetable and agreed to try that. Allie found a bag of carrots and practically begged me to buy them. Sunday afternoon the grocery store is a happenin' place, and there were several sample stations set up. At one, a guy was cooking some skinless sausage. I know it sounds strange, but Spence, who practically lives on Rice Krispies and fruit, loves sausage. Won't eat a piece of grilled chicken. Screams if macaroni and cheese is in the same zip code. But loves sausage. It's exhausting to try and figure him out! So I bought the sausage and cooked it for dinner last night. I also put a piece of lettuce and a dab of salad dressing and 1/2 a baby carrot on every kid's plate. At first they were laughing and making jokes about the carrots, but eventually the laughs turned to wails and rolling tears. It all culminated with Spence literally putting the carrot in his mouth and pouring orange juice over his face to try and wash it down. Then Coleman came running in the kitchen to see what all the comotion was and slid in the carrot chunks and orange juice puddle, hurting his arm and leg. I'm not sure who was crying louder, and even how many kids were crying. I lost count somewhere. I'm pretty sure everyone got at least one bite of a carrot down. So far, the carrot is the most terrifying vegetable around here, surpassing corn and the
Big Burp incident of '07. Tonight I forced soft tacos on them. I know, I should be locked up! Allie actually likes tacos, and ended up eating 2 after throwing a fit for no good reason, and the boys tried them. Well, Coleman at least licked it. Spence maybe even thought it was good, just a little. Baby steps.
Poor mommy. I feel for you.
I can't wait to have carrots at your place!!! I had 1 who was a picky eater--but that was my fault---I can't even fathom trying to please 3---I feel for you too! Glad you are back writing.
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