Saturday, October 06, 2007

eBay Addicts

eBay is a wonderful thing. Brian and I often wonder what we did before this online auction and shopping website. I of course LOVE to shop, but if I need something specific, or don't have time to drive all over looking for that perfect something, eBay is the way to go. Brian, on the other hand, prefers eBay to any form of shopping. Need a part for the electric VW? Surf eBay. In the market for a pair of Kenneth Cole shoes? Click on eBay. Got a hankerin' for a designer suit at a not-so-designer price? You know where to go. Want an original map of Montana while it was still a territory? eBay's got it. Looking for an antique fireman's helmet to match the nursery decor? eBay! eBay! eBay! So you get the point. Coleman is no stranger to eBay. If not for Grandma and Nana, his entire wardrobe might have been won on eBay. This week, I looked all over the mall for a pair of navy tennies and couldn't find any in his size that didn't cost $30. I'm sorry, but I'm not spending $30 on shoes for someone who drags his toes, plays in the mud, and might hit a growth spurt soon, leaving them virtually unworn. So what's a mommy to do? If you've been listening, then you know...eBay! So today we won a pair of super cute Osh Kosh shoes! We also won a child's Baltimore Ravens football helmet and pants. This will be altered and used as Coleman's Halloween costume. He is insistent on wanting to be a football player for Halloween, but the costume he saw at Party City is quite cheesy. The plan is to pull off the Ravens stickers on the helmet and purchase Texans stickers at Academy to replace them. Then we have to remove David Carr's name from his Texans' jersey, replace it with Matt Schaub's (fortunately they both use #8), and he'll be all set! We have not, however, been able to find Spence a costume on eBay. We've got a few weeks though.

Footnote: Brian would like to defend himself and his eBay addiction. He says that everything purchased on eBay is something we've needed (or would have bought elsewhere anyway) and were able to get a deal, or otherwise we could not find the item elsewhere. Thank you for your understanding.


Anonymous said...

Well I am glad you are blogging everyone else is in MONTANA!
Yes..... E Bay....
and winning the item...
Every time I go to visit the grand children... Tony greets me at the door telling me the latest items they, toys, halloween costumes etc.
Well at first I thought they were in a contest or something... ??
You still have to pay for it..
so are you really winning it?
Yes your mom and I are a little...behind the times..
Well we are grandmothers and we never had the BAY to shop.
I guess thay may be why we were so exhausted when asked to play games....
after shopping all day for
(as Brian would say)
" the things we needed...
and would have bought somewhere
else any way..."
You are quite the lucky family!
I hope you keep winning...
but I still think it would be nice to win and not have to pay!

Jeani said...

Ebay is why I bought my first computer in 98. Love it!!! It is more fun than walking around the mall to me!!!