Thursday, October 01, 2009

Best Day All Week!

Today I got a break!

The kids and I have been confined to the house since Sunday. Coleman no longer has fever, just cabin fever! If I don't get him out of this house soon, he's going to start knocking down the walls. Or maybe I can let him relieve some stress by helping me pull my hair out. But back to me and my break. I took a good book (thanks Leanne) and headed off to relax. Sure, it was at my annual well woman exam, but it was a break none the less. That sounds horrible doesn't it? That I would rather go to the gynecologist than stay home with my children! I did hit a few stores while I was out. Allie now has a Halloween costume, I bought a few birthday and Christmas presents, and did some shopping for myself. None of this would have been possible without my wonderful Mom. Thank you for coming today so I didn't have to cancel my appointment. You're the best! I love you!


Rita said...

Glad you had some time out....

Anonymous said...

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it, right? Seriously, I can't imagine any better way to spend a day with my three grands and to be able to help you out--that makes it even better. Love you. Mom

Anonymous said...

oops, let out a word
no better way to spend a day THAN with my 3 grands