Friday, October 30, 2009

Our Playgroup Party

Today our playgroup had a Halloween party. I can't believe we were able to get most of the kids to sit for a picture! These are some of the people the boys and I hang out with. We get together for playgroups and give and share advice. They are a wonderful group of moms and kids!

The babies

The big kids

Please say a prayer for one of our playgroup members, Erin, and her family. Today would have been her daughter Kristen's first birthday. Kristen passed away from SIDS last Spring at four months old.


Paul and Candice said...

Playgroups ROCK!!!! For me, they're life savers for all the adult interaction. Where else can you go and talk about your kids the whole time and everyone else is doing the same? Looks like a fun bunch!

Rita said...

I can't believe the boys are in the big kids group all ready...looks like a great place to spend time with other Moms and kids!!