Today was kind of rough. The morning didn't get off to a great start when I told Coleman I didn't have time to make muffins. Soccer didn't go well. Coleman's attitude went from bad to worse. Brian's and my patience went from little to none. Brian had to sit at urgent care for two hours with Coleman because we suspected he had developed a sinus infection. Then Brian ended up going back to another urgent care to get something for himself.
Earlier today I was thinking about all the things that were causing this to be not such a great day. I was planning how I would convey all these things on the blog so you could all be amused while you felt my pain. By the way, I had gone as far as to create a fictional club called MOSPS - similar to MOPS, but short for Mothers of Sick Preschoolers - to see if there were other moms out there to commiserate with over our constantly sick children and our growing doctor and pharmacy bills. I'm so glad I didn't write it all out then. I have something so much better to share after hearing Coleman's prayer tonight. He prayed all the usual stuff, then the last thing he said was, "...and help me have a better attitude." He'd heard us saying that all day long: You need to change your attitude! You need a better attitude! I don't like that attitude, Coleman! But he was genuinely asking God to help him, with no prodding from me. I told him how proud I was of him, and he replied, "Then how come it won't come true?" I explained that our prayers aren't like wishes. If we trust in God, He will help us with what we ask Him. I told Coleman that He does it for me all the time. If I ask God to help me not say mean words, and I say something mean, God reminds me of what I asked and helps me say nice things.
God taught me something tonight through my four year old son, the same son that irritated the mess out of me for much of the day. It doesn't matter if he refuses to play soccer, or even if he never plays sports at all. Maybe he won't be the most popular kid in his class or graduate Valedictorian. The most important thing is that he loves and trusts God. His prayer tonight was so special to me, and I'm so glad I got to hear it. And I'm thankful that God heard it too.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
Remember the story Leo the Late Bloomer? Well Coleman will play soccer in his time... maybe not right now but when he is ready.
He has so much to learn and a life time ahead of him.
Just like God answers our prayers in his time not ours.
Coleman's prayer was so sweet and from his heart..
Big Hugs to all of you!
It is sometimes hard to be the oldest in the family. We want everything for them right now.
That sounds like a wonderful finish to a trying day.
"And He grew in wisdom and in statue and in favor with God and man."(mom, too). Coleman is learning so much and he is so perceptive about life at such an early age. I am so thankful that he has parents that are leading him to see that he can turn to God for the answers and that he can trust God even when we don't see results with our human eyes. I love you all so much. Mom
What a big thing for a little boy to say! Sometimes I have problems with that too and wish that God would just answer my prayer like it is a wish instead of talking and waiting on Him.
Amanda, I am just catching up on your blog. I still love it but haven't visited in a while. Caleb tried soccer two years ago - at 4. He did the same thing Coleman is doing - and we pulled out - didn't stick it through. It was with the YMCA. Now - two years later - with Upward at our church (check your town for it) - he is loving soccer and doing so well. We have enjoyed it so much more. They learn Bible verses, pray, and every child gets the same play time (approx). It is so wonderful. Google Upward Soccer and you can find a league. Give him time - we now realize Caleb just wasn't ready - we were. Now - he loves it. I love your honesty though - I thought your patience were never tried. :) Glad to know you are human. Love his prayer - we have such sweet boys - wish we were closer. :( sheree
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