Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jumbled Thoughts from the Week

Here's what happens when I don't post for a few days: everything ends up being combined in one big post. From the results of Allie's weigh-in at her 4 month checkup, to funny things that happened to the Piks, to an explanation for this picture:

As for Allie, she weighs 16 lb 5 oz. That's the 95th percentile! She is my little beautiful chunk! Minus the little part. She cried just as much when she got her oral vaccine as she did for the two shots. As for Maestro, I found him lying on Allie's changing pad, which I had put on the floor while her bathtub was occupying the changing pad's usual spot on the countertop.

On to funny conversations:
Coleman has been trying to get Spence to use the potty more because Brian promised them they could play a new video game when Spence starts using the potty regularly. Here's what I heard Coleman telling Spence the other day:

Coleman: Spence, you should go poo poo on the potty.
Spence: No! I don't want to!
Coleman: It's just like sitting on the couch watching football. Except you have a stool.

The other day Spence was making a weird face and I asked him where he learned that. He said, "At yoga." And no, I don't do yoga.

And here are a handful of amusing stories:
We were at the park the other day and Spence's pullup was so wet it was about to fall off. We didn't have any pullups with us, but I had a few of Allie's diapers. Spence, who is about to turn 3, fit in one of Allie's size 2 diapers! That will be one of those embarrassing stories I can whip out when he's trying to be all cool in front of his friends several years down the road.

We visited another church this morning for the first time. Recently, Spence has been getting a little teary-eyed when being dropped off. Maybe it's all the different churches we've been visiting. Anyway, Brian went in his class with him and was trying to let him know it would be alright. He asked the teacher, "What is the Bible story about today?" And she replied, "Oh, today we'll be learning about the Trinity!" Brian thought, "Now that's diving into the meat of the Scripture Spence!" There's nothing like deep abstract spiritual truths to calm a nervous toddler. (By the way, we all enjoyed the new church and Spence, though he probably didn't grasp the concept of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit being one, enjoyed playing on the playground.)

And now for a soccer update:
Coleman is having such a blast playing soccer. We got lots of video, and hopefully Brian will have a chance to post some later so Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, and Poppa can see. For now though, here are a few pictures.

Lining up to practice kicks

Ready for action!

Spence took a picture of Daddy, Mommy, and Allie watching the game

Finally, here's what is happening with Allie:
Tonight she had cereal for the first time! She did pretty well. She seemed to like what actually made it into her mouth. Of course, you can look at her and tell she likes to eat, so I don't know why I would be surprised that she started out well with the cereal.


Rita said...

So wonderful to read your stories and see the pictures!!!!!

Paul and Candice said...

What a big girl Allie is becoming! We've been putting Judson in the high chair, too, but with a blanket around him. He just doesn't seem as stable as Paul David was at this age. His lazy Mama keeps putting off feeding him cereal:)

I'm so glad Coleman is loving soccer now. I'm sure he has a blast with his friends.

Paul David agrees with Spence...he doesn't want to go on the potty either.