Monday, November 23, 2009

A Crucial Potty Update

Ready for church

Today we walked over to one of our favorite parks, the helicopter park, then on to Walgreens to pick up some M&Ms to use as rewards for pottying. This weekend I got the crazy idea to let Spence run around the house naked and see if he would go to the potty. He did pretty well at first, then disaster struck. He pooped and peed on the tile in the dining room. Then the next day he pooped on the stairs! I was pretty discouraged, but I didn't want to pressure him to go in the toilet if he's not ready. Today I started a sticker chart and 2 M&Ms for going potty (3 M&Ms if his pull-up is dry). I caught him mid-poop and we got to the toilet and finished up there. Then 15 minutes later he said he needed to go again. He went poop completely on the toilet! I was so excited! This could be the beginning of the end of diapers and pull-ups, or a total fluke. We'll see!

On a totally different topic, how would you take the following comment? We were leaving Walgreens, all three kids in the stroller. A lady walking by asked how old Allie was. Then she made the most bizarre statement: "At least you got a girl." Like I can now find a good home for the boys and be rid of them? Or what's with the "at least" part? She's not great, but at least she's a girl? I'm still baffled. If nothing else, it just reminds me to say things like, "Your children are beautiful!" Not, "What a relief that your third was a girl! I'm sure you would have climbed a tower, jumped, and plummeted to your death if it had been a boy." Be nice, Amanda.

Pictures, past and present, from the helicopter park:

This is why we call it the helicopter park

It has an awesome sand area

There's also this cool digger...

And an airplane!

Check out Spence on the airplane a little over 2 years ago! (October 2007)

This was Allie's first "ride" in the helicopter

Just look how much these boys have grown in the last 2 years!

What do you see?

I threw some trash away and noticed the above spill on the trashcan. I thought it looked just like a giraffe. Then Coleman came back from the trashcan and said, "Mommy! Come look at this stain on the trashcan! It looks like a giraffe!" He wanted to take a picture so we could show Daddy.


Jennifer said...

That is a weird comment! I wonder what in the world she was trying to say. Either way you have pretty cute kids (all 3 of them)!

Rita said...

I love seeing the before and after pix of the park and the kids...yes. they sure do change and grow up!!

As for the lady....what in the ^%$%& is she saying....WE LOVE OUR BOYS!!!!!!

Paul and Candice said...

Way to Go Spence! Could you talk to your buddy Paul David next time???

You know I love those comparison pictures! They grow so quickly in such a small amount of time!

What a cool giraffe find, too!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jeani said...

I think the lady probably meant that "at least You got a girl and she didn't" Anyone can see that all 3 are beautiful.
Love the potty stories. We were sitting around (the women in the family) and rem having Christmas with some friends and their 3 year old was stark naked standing on his chair for dinner.My kids were in high school and thought this was hilarious.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Terez said...

How adorable that Allie fell asleep in the high chair? I can't get Michael to sleep during the day much at all, let alone in his crib! Maybe I should try a high chair!

And what a weird comment from the lady at Walgreen's!! I always get people asking me if I'm going to try for "my girl," and I also feel the same way, like they're saying boys aren't as fun or something!?

Warriorr said...

Agreed with Jennifer !!!1