Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Spence!

Spence turned 3 on Saturday! I can't believe it's taken me this long to write about it. I have been exhausted lately! My precious baby who spoiled me by sleeping through the night since she was about 5 weeks old has decided that she wants to see me around 3:00 or 4:00 every morning. That, added to the boys' boundless energy seems to have left me pooped. Well, that's enough for my excuses.

We had a fun birthday weekend. My parents came over Friday and took us out to dinner to celebrate my birthday. Then Saturday we went to Coleman's last soccer game. That afternoon an enormous castle moonwalk was set up in our backyard. Several friends came over to play. It was a simple, laidback party that was so much fun. The moonwalk guy didn't come back to pick up the castle until after 9:00 that night, and Brian and the boys stayed out there bouncing almost that long!

Spence and Coleman with their friends Matt and Keller

Judson and Allie hanging out

When Candice comes over we always get the kids together for a group shot

Jumping into the night!

My guys on the moonwalk

And earlier that day...

Coleman and some of his teammates


Rita said...

Looks like a fun time....Spene is 3!!! WOW...

Allie. my dear....sleep at night for Mommy, OK!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to the Handsome
boy with the # 3 on the cake!
Looks like you had a wonderful day Happy Birthday Spence!