Wednesday, November 11, 2009


What's going on with those crazy Piks? Life, I guess. There are ups and downs. Easy times and stressful times. Times of income and times of no income. We're in one of those "no income" seasons. Brian didn't lose his job, but we found out the day before Halloween that his company ran out of money. They deposited his check, then promptly pulled it back out of his account. They have asked their financial backers for more funds, but haven't heard an answer yet. All of the employees are still going in to work with the promise of being paid back should the money come in. Brian is looking for another job, but he really enjoys what he does at his current company. Of course, getting paid is a big part of having a job. So he might just have to find a paying job. Luckily Brian is a big fan of Dave Ramsey, and has done an excellent job saving and building up our emergency fund.

We've been here before, so I feel like an old pro. Except when Brian's entire department was laid off at M.D. Anderson they had one month's notice and a nice severance package. Not so here! It would be easy to get mad at the situation and worry ourselves silly. But I choose to look at this as an awesome opportunity to trust in God. He knows the plans He has for us. They are to prosper us and not to harm us. His ways are higher than our own. He will work it out for good. And though I am not enjoying everything about this situation, I am enjoying resting in His arms and wondering what He has for us.

I have to share a story of God's amazing goodness. Something so simple that He used to remind me who He is.

Early in the week of Halloween (about 3 days before we found out about Brian's job) I started singing the praise song "Great is the Lord." I couldn't remember all the words, but I sang what I knew:

Great is the Lord, He is holy and just.
By His power we trust in His word.
Great is the Lord, He is faithful and true.
By His mercy He proves He is love.
Great is the Lord and worthy of glory!
Great is the Lord and worthy of praise!
Great is the Lord
I lift up my voice, I lift up my voice!
Great is the Lord!
Great is the Lord!

I couldn't figure out why this song kept coming to my mind. I didn't think I had heard it on the radio or sung it in church the last Sunday, so I was a little confused. But it kept coming to me, so I just kept singing it. I began to think that God was giving me this song to prepare me for something that was coming. I'll admit I was a little worried something was going to happen to one of the kids. I went over the words and their meaning, and they were very comforting. This continued all week, then Friday I got the call from Brian informing me that his company was out of money so there would be no paycheck. After we talked and I tried to take in all that he told me, the song came to mind again. I realized God had given me this song to remind me of His character. He is in control and knows the outcome. He will provide for all our needs. We trusted in Him a few years ago when Brian was jobless, and we'll trust Him now. (I have to add that I fully trust Him to bring us through this, although it may not be in the time frame we would want or the circumstances we would choose.)

I was so excited by this realization that God had been whispering in my heart these words of comfort and peace to speak to me at the exact moment I needed to hear them! But I still didn't know what had initially sparked this song in my mind. Later that afternoon, I was getting something out of the fridge (something I do a little too often) when I saw a piece of Coleman's artwork that I had put on the refrigerator door. It was a pumpkin with the words "Great is the Lord" that he had painted. I was seeing it every time I opened the refrigerator door, even though I didn't realize it, and God was reminding me that yes, He is great! So from a simple little art project that Coleman did at school, God prepared me for some not-so-great news, and reminded me that in the midst of hard times, He is great. He is faithful and true. He is worthy of glory and praise. You better believe I wrote a thank you note to Coleman's teachers to let them know how God had used them! I hope this reminds us all that the little things we do can be used greatly of God.

If you're still reading, I'm glad you made it through all that! We would appreciate your prayers. I know God has something to teach us. Maybe dependence on Him and the fact that we cannot put our trust in the things of this earth. Maybe something bigger. I don't know yet. I feel so blessed in my life. I have a wonderful husband and three healthy children. There are people going through such horrible things that I can't even imagine. But God is the same God no matter what life brings us. Maybe you have something going on that is stressing you out. I'd love to pray for you! Leave me a comment. Leave me a comment even if it's just to say "Amen!" to God's goodness!


Jeani said...

AMEN!! I wanted to comment or email you to tell you all this, but I knew you alreay knew this or would soon. God is on our side.
He loves you and your family.
And so do I.

Mrs. H said...

AMEN! And I will keep you in my prayers! And you're right, God is complete control and will provide!

Anonymous said...

I could never imagine going though life without God. Without his love, care, concern, guidance,blessings and friendship.

I know he hears us when we call upon him. I know he has great things to ask of us to do for him. We are so blessed to have him as your Great Lord!
Sometimes it would be nice if he would just hurry up and turn the page so we could see what is ahead.
I know you know this.....
Never fear God is always near!
Don't let anything disturb your peace.
We will pray every day that is a promise
you can rely on!

Rita said...

How Great is our God....that is the song I keep singing (in my head)...I am so thankful that you and Brian know that and how we can feel it all circumstances...

You are such a blessing!!! to all of us....!!!

We ARE praying!!!!! And if I have to deliver papers every am and be a walmart greeter in the evenings..your precious babies will have a full tummy and a roof over their heads...count on it!!

Rita said...

How Great is our God....that is the song I keep singing (in my head)...I am so thankful that you and Brian know that and how we can feel it all circumstances...

You are such a blessing!!! to all of us....!!!

We ARE praying!!!!! And if I have to deliver papers every am and be a walmart greeter in the evenings..your precious babies will have a full tummy and a roof over their heads...count on it!!

Terez said...

Amen! So beautifully said and I admire your patience and good thoughts! Will be thinking of you guys!

Jennifer said...

I will be praying for you and it is so amazing how God puts little thoughts into our heads even before we know what they are there for.

Anonymous said...

I totally didn't know this was going on in your life - I will add that to my prayers for you - along with safety. You are such a witness and testimony to our Sovereign Lord. Thank you for sharing so honestly and trusting Him so fully. sheree

Shelly Campbell said...

Amen!!! I will be praying for you guys!