Saturday, November 21, 2009

Grandma, Can We Borrow Your Airplane?

The boys like to watch cartoons and kids' shows on one of the Christian channels. And just like any other kids' station, their advertisements bring shouts of, "Mommy, when can we have that?!?" or, "Mommy, when can we go there?!?" One of the commercials is for a Bible-themed amusement park in Florida that has a replica of Jonah's big fish, the parted Red Sea, and other scenes from the Bible. A few days ago we were sitting at the table eating lunch:

Spence: When can we go to the big fish?
Mommy: Honey, that's a long way from our house.
Spence: We can go on Grandma and Grandpa's airplane.

I love these little glimpses into their minds. How cute that he thinks Grandma and Grandpa have their own plane! So, Grandma and Grandpa, if you do indeed ever get your own airplane, can we please borrow it to go see the big fish? It would really make Spence's day!


Rita said...

Of course,...cuz we live in a hotel also....

Jennifer said...

That place cracks me up everytime I see it on the commercials!