Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Haven't Heard That Song In a While

You know, that song about waiting. What does that mean? Is the wait about to come to an end? Or am I just never in the car at the right moment? I of course don't place my trust in a song, but I'm just thinking about how God has used it and other things to speak to me. And when I realized I hadn't heard it in a while I got a little excited. Now I just need to hear a song entitled: Job, There You are! Anyone know who sings that one?

I've started a new Bible study, which is equaling the awesomeness of my last Bible study. The gist of the study is this: Whatever God says do, do it. I'm learning, or being reminded, of some great things:
  • Instead of merely walking through the motions of life, pursue the adventure of the moment-by-moment divine lessons and appointments God has in store for me.
  • Pray every morning to see God, hear God, know God, follow God, and say yes to Him, even before I know what I will face.
  • Each day counts, and every action and reaction matters.
  • Saying yes to God isn't about perfect performance, but rather perfect surrender to the Lord day by day.
Thank goodness I don't have to be perfect! I'm so far from it! I mess up so often that it's embarrassing. I find myself thinking that I'll just try to get through this day, or this week, or this month. I miss out on the divine appointments that God has for me on an ordinary day. I'm afraid I miss out on God a lot of days. I'm striving to pray that prayer about seeing, hearing, knowing, following, and saying yes to God every day. Saying yes before I know what I will face. I'm working really hard to remember that not just my actions, but my reactions matter. Those reactions sometimes fly out faster than I can control! But really, I feel pretty bad after I get upset with Spence for peeing on the back of the toilet instead of in the bowl.

Why am I writing all this? Sometimes I have post after post of pictures of the kids, fun little outings we've taken, and funny things the kids are saying. That's all great, but that's not a real picture of my life. Sure, I don't have to share personal details of my life here, and I have no problem with people who don't, but I choose to because I want people to see that my life, even though I am a Christian, is not perfect. I don't have it all together. But through hard times, my faith is in God. I am not in control. I've given that over to Him. If He's telling me to keep waiting, then I'm going to keep waiting. Knowing all along that He has it figured out.

Maybe I'm writing all this also because I love to write. And I know you'll read it! I'm not all that comfortable talking face to face with people. But when I write, I really feel like I can get across what I'm trying to say. I always hope that I don't seem like a different person on this blog than I am "in person." It's me. I promise!

One last thing while I have you here. Sunday, our pastor gave us an assignment. He asked us to think about how our circumstances are affecting unbelievers and believers for the cause of Christ (from Phil. 1:12-18). I want people to see the hope that I have in God, and that I am praising Him through everything. I want others to be encouraged by my faith, and know they can depend on God and have a positive attitude in difficult situations. I really hope I am being successful in this, because if I'm not, then I'm wasting or missing some great opportunities.

Thank you for coming here, for letting me share with you. I enjoy it so, so much. Come back soon, and I might have some more cute pictures to share!


Rita said...

Yes...dear Amanda...your faith is an inspiration to us!!!! And Brian's also....rem to take the time to Listen also...

Rhonda said...

we are praying for you.
I appreciate your honesty.

Anonymous said...

Your faith is an inspiration, and I enjoy reading about your motherhood experiences. They are so much like what I handle daily. Keep sharing, you touch many lives with your faith and honesty and I love the verses and Bible study info.
Praying for you and your family!