Saturday, March 06, 2010

What's Wrong with This Picture?

This week Allie learned how to pull herself up. The first time I saw her do it, she had pulled herself up and was leaning on a tub of spackle. We've got several house projects going on, so that's really not as strange as it sounds.

Here she is showing off her new skill! Her concentration level is right up there with top athletes.

Making the reach for a bucket of G.I. Joe toys

One day I'll get the girl toy with my own Happy Meal. One day.

G.I. Joe? Space stations? Bat Caves? Don't these people have any dolls?

Check out the chubby thighs and ankles (or lack of ankles)! Apparently no girl likes to be called chubby.

And there are multiple things wrong with this picture. Let me just say that this is what one might look like after being dragged to the potty every 20 minutes and wetting his pants and one sock. Yes, just one sock. There is no picture of Mommy because after a day of potty training, the trainer looks worse than the trainee!

As for potty training (evil, evil words), Spence has gone poop 7 days in a row with no accidents. He even told his teacher and went at school! He is completely opposite than Coleman. It took forever for me to get Coleman to go poop in the potty. I had to resort to embarrassing the mess out of him (literally). I would refuse to change him when we were out in public and he would get upset that other kids could smell him. Spence, I'm afraid, has no shame. Poop could be smeared across his face and he'd still be running around roaring at other kids. Oh well. Today the timer is set for 25 minutes. Baby steps.

I've been meaning to write about some of the funny things the boys have said this week. I'm not sure why I haven't gotten to it. Oh yeah, I've been in the bathroom every 20 minutes!

Driving to the park the other day, we passed some guys mowing. The air was on recirculate, so the smell of fresh-cut grass filled the car.

Mommy: I like the smell of fresh-mowed grass!
Coleman: Ewww, I don't! I like gassy smells that come from trucks!
Spence: I like turkey smells!

Spence: I wish we had a helicopter.
Mommy: Where would we park a helicopter?
Spence: We should get a landing pad.
Of course! He's thought of everything! Well, almost everything. There's the lack of funds, space issues, and the fact that none of us knows how to fly a helicopter. Minor details.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Rita said... get the gold medal !!!

Spence....good job!!!

Hang in there, Mommy!

Jennifer said...

You poor thing! He will get it eventually, just keep at it!

Paul and Candice said...

I LOVE Allie's little feet crossed...that is the cutest! Poor Mommy and Spence. That potty training business is for the birds for sure! Why do these boys have to be so stubborn!