Monday, July 27, 2009


Friday night the guys got back from the Astros game really late, so the boys were getting into bed around 11:30. Spence wouldn't stop talking even after they were in bed with the lights out. Finally Coleman got fed up and said, "Be quiet Spence! We need to get some rest!"

Spence's new thing at bedtime is to pray for everything in site. I've had to go downstairs to feed Allie before prayers for the last few nights, so Brian has been filling me in. Apparently Spence's eyes roam the room for possible things to be thankful for. Brian said last night it went like this:
Spence: Thank you God for our clocks. And our other clocks. And our other clocks. And our other clocks. And our other clocks.

And tonight after he thanked God for everything he could think of it went like this:
Spence: Thank you God for our wall. And our other wall. And our other wall. And our other wall.
Daddy: Go ahead and start praying Coleman. God can hear both of you at the same time.
Coleman: But you can't!
Daddy: I can, because he's just praying about walls now.

And the question of the day is from Coleman:

Why is your hiney split in two?

We were too busy laughing to answer that one.


Rita said...

Hey... we might all be a bit cuter if we had an unsplit hiney!! And the prayers...ah yes....thank you God for my hair.....they are such a hoot!!! Love to hear the stories!!

Jennifer said...

At least God knows Spence is very thankful (don't want to leave any of those walls or clocks out!)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that was the BEST!
So funny!

Rita said...

Nice new look for the the pix's!!