Friday, April 02, 2010

Flashback to Last Weekend!

My camera is full of pictures that I haven't shared! We had such a busy weekend last week. Friday we went to visit Paul David and Judson. Play dates with those two (and their mommy) are so much fun! We always get a group picture of the kiddos. They are getting harder and harder to capture now that the babies are mobile, but I thought this one was pretty cute!

Coleman, Allie, Paul David, Judson, and Spence

Saturday I took the kids to a birthday party for a little friend from church. It was an art party, which was a lot of fun!

Spence working on his masterpiece

Coleman and his work of art

A group picture from the party

And then Saturday night Brian took the boys to a race. There's a video in the post below. I'm so glad Brian enjoys doing things like this with the boys. I'm sure it will be a wonderful memory for all three of them! It makes me wonder what kinds of things he'll do with Allie some day. I hear the Daddy-daughter date night is lots of fun!

Let's go to the races!

Daddy and the boys

The boys' favorite race car wasn't a car at all! The driver let them get in and look around.

Spence with his ear protection

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The kids in the playgroup have really grown! Nice to have such good friends!