Friday, April 09, 2010

You're Back for Answers!

So yesterday I asked several questions and told you I'd give you the answers today. Was I trying to be mysterious, or was I just tired? I'll let you guess on that one.

I think Rhonda answered the first question about why Allie is so adorable: she just is! She knows no other way to be! As for the second question about what Coleman was doing on a horse? It was field trip day! We went to Bayou Wildlife Park in Alvin, Texas. That pretty much answers the question of Spence's whereabouts also. His class didn't go. I can't imagine why they wouldn't want to take a class full of three year olds. Can you??? (I'm being very sarcastic here, in case you didn't catch that.) Here are some more pictures from our fun day.

Coleman and his classmates

There was a tram ride that took you around the park. Each person was given a bucket of food to feed the animals. This is one of Coleman's teachers feeding a buffalo.

Upclose encounter with a camel

They didn't look like the ones in books or cartoons!

I think zebras are one of the neatest animals. How creative is God?

Big birds were everywhere!

I wish we could have gotten closer to this rhino!

Ya'll come back now, ya hear?


Rita said...

Some of those animals look a bit ....dirty??? I answered your question a day late from yesterday...

Jennifer said...

My cousin took her little boy there and it looked really neat!

Rhonda said...

oh great time!!!
It looks like that was one awesome fieldtrip!

love to you and the fam!

Paul and Candice said...

Oh, my I have to take Paul David there! Looks like tons of fun for sure! He's LOVING zebras right now, so he would have flipped out! You're so right about God's creativity with the colorings on the animals. I always think that when I look at giraffes, too!