Sunday, June 06, 2010

Boys Being Boys

Here are a few pictures of Coleman and Spence doing all that great stuff boys love to do!

Can you see Spence? He's way up high (too high for Mommy, actually) swinging on the tree swing Brian put out back. Any time Brian agrees to push him, you'll find Spence swinging on the "yellow swing" as he calls it. The boys each have a pair of gloves that they wear while swinging so the rope doesn't burn their hands. Spence rarely forgets his gloves, but he's been known a time a two to swing without any pants or underwear! We may need to build a higher fence!

The boys love to take Grandma and Grandpa to the airport so they can ride on the train. They always sit on the first car (or last, depending which way it's going) and pretend that they are driving. Looks pretty fun!

Brian's really been wanting to get Coleman a bike, so yesterday he talked Coleman in to going to Academy with him. Coleman said he didn't want a bike, but Brian figured if he could get on one and ride it around the store, he'd probably like it. Boy was he right! He loves it! Now if we could just get him to take off his flip flops and put some real shoes on it might be a little easier to pedal.

Coleman said, "Race me, Spence!"

Here's a little video of Coleman riding his bike!

And to throw a little girliness into this all boy post, here's Allie walking! This video was taken on May 28 and she had been taking a few steps at a time for a while, but she had just started to walk more than crawl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, that swinging is a little high but looks like soooo much fun!!! :0)

Neat bike Coleman!! Looks like it goes really fast!

Allie is just too cute!!