I have come into the world as a light, so that no one
who believes in me should stay in darkness. John 12:46
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to you and your family!
2010 was an exciting year for us. It started with Brian conducting a nationwide job search. He had interviews with companies from New Jersey to California. We had no idea where we would end up! However, in June, Brian began his new position in Houston and we were able to stay. Although his time without employment was stressful and difficult, it was such an amazing time for us as we grew closer to God and learned to trust Him on a deeper level, and grew closer to each other. We will always be thankful for that period of time and remember the lessons we learned.
The kids are growing so fast! Coleman started Kindergarten this year and is doing great! Next month he will turn six and is planning a Bible themed birthday party! One of his favorite activities is going to Kid’s Bible Club at church. He learns verses, hears Bible stories, and plays games. Spence turned four in November. This month he will be in his first Christmas performance at Mother’s Day Out. We’re looking forward to hearing him sing and seeing what kind of show he puts on! He definitely keeps up laughing with his made up words and crazy games. Allie, who is 18 months, is no longer a baby, but a toddler that enjoys getting into everything. It’s so fun to watch her little personality develop! She can be very serious like Coleman, but also goofy like Spence! She loves shoes but hates bows. You can keep up with Allie and her brothers at www.pikkula.com, our family blog.
May you experience all the love, joy, and peace of our Lord and Savior this Christmas and throughout the New Year!
Brian, Amanda, Coleman, Spence, and Allie Pikkula