Thursday, September 18, 2008

Look What's Going On In Our Neighborhood Today

We must be the chosen people. Not only did we get power restored a mere 16 hours after the storm, but we're already getting our debris picked up. There are still people without power several neighborhoods over. I feel so guilty!

I took the boys out to watch these guys operate the truck. Coleman thought they were the coolest guys with the coolest truck. He may have chosen a new career path. I got to talk to the guy who wasn't operating the "big claw" for a while. They are from Honey Grove, Texas (close to Sherman, which is between Dallas and the OK border). They own several of these trucks and go whenever they get a call. They've even been to Buffalo, NY. I wanted to ask why our neighborhood was so special to be one of the first to get their services, but I didn't. If you remember, the mayor lives across the street and one house over, so I'm sure that doesn't hurt.

Yesterday we went to the mall to do a little shopping and playing. I had several pairs of jeans and a few shirts hanging from the stroller to take into the dressing room. Coleman, in his not-so-quiet voice, said, "Mommy, why are you stealing all this stuff?!?" What would make him think that? Luckily it was a slow day, so I'm sure mall security was able to keep an eye on me. My mom would tell you that's my payback for something I did probably about 28 years ago. She tells me we were in a store and all of a sudden I yelled, "Please Momma don't hit me!!!" She was horrified. I always thought that was a funny story, but now I can sympathize a little more.


Rita said...

What's that old's not what you know, but who you know....ha

Like you've been caught stealing many times before....and your Mother hit you, even in public!!!!

Please send me "the list"...cereal, diapers. etc. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Yes that is an amazing truck!
That is the real American spirit of those workers going around the counrty helping out!
I guess you live on the right street. Thank you Jesus! for showing B&A that house!
I am so happy you have electricity!
We are praying for those still in need.

Paul and Candice said...

We've started thinking about all the things to look for in a neighborhood with our next seems like it's good to be by a hospital, fire station or grocery store if you want power sooner! Now, I'll add government official to my list!

That is so funny that Coleman said that! I know for sure that I said a few things in my younger days that made my parents want to crawl under a table!

Jennifer said...

You are so lucky! I can not wait for us to get back power. Though, the good thing is, if there are no lights and there is still debris all over the place then we can't have school/work!!!