Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pictures of Ike

I've evacuated (Rita in '05), and now I've sheltered in place. I have to tell you last night was not fun, but it was more fun than being stuck in the car for 16 hours with an eight month old and two dogs, lost in rural Southeast Texas without a map, passing gas station after gas station with no gas, wondering if we would be sitting on a dirt road while Hurricane Rita passed over us. We are so blessed to be safe and have such minimal damage. I know there are others who have lost everything, including a loved one. Please keep them in your prayers. Here are some pictures of our neighborhood.

Yesterday I was out getting some last minutes supplies and had to take a picture of our Petco.

This was what it looked like out our front door this morning.

Our neighbor to the right lost some boards.

This is one side of our backyard...

...and this is the other (kind of dark, one section of the fence is down).

Some siding blew off.

The neighbors rallied together to help the family across the street clear their fallen trees.

Brian working his chainsaw.

Another house on our street with big limbs down.

The following are some pictures from other streets and the lake in our neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures!
Glad all you have from the storm can be fixed and everyone is ok.
The wind was so strong!
Looks like Brian will be busy getting that fence back up!
Thanks for the pictures!

Jeani said...

I thank God that you all are safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

so glad you are all ok!
hopefully it won't take long to fix stuff.

Jeani said...

When I told Roz that you were all safe and Ike was gone. Her eyes got big and her first question was "Is their dog ok?"
She is an animal lover to the max.

Rita said...


Our prayers for you were answered...and will keep them up as so many are hurting so much...
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!