Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Day of Organizing

I'm back! I've been bouncing back and forth between complete exhaustion and being in a cleaning/organizing mood. Brian went out of town for a few days and for some reason I thought I could stay home with the boys by myself, 24 hours a day, from Sunday to Wednesday. By the time he got home Wednesday evening I was almost comatose.

Today I was definitely in an organizing mood, which was wonderful! Now the boys only have summer clothes that actually fit them at this moment in their closets and drawers. All outgrown clothes are boxed up and ready to be handed down as needed! Last week I found all the summer boy and neutral newborn clothing and sorted it out, so it's ready to be washed. Coleman, Spence, and I all have organized closets! I even documented my closet cleaning with before and after pictures.

Last night Brian ordered the boys' bunk bed. It should be arriving in a few weeks, so we thought we'd better prepare Spence for his new bed by taking the front off his crib. He has yet to try to climb out of his crib, so I've been hesitant to convert his crib into the toddler bed. He did great at nap time though! Hopefully tonight will go well also.

How brave am I to let you look into my closet? This is so embarrassing.

But now it looks like this! Still not perfect, but better. And yes, that's a Doc Hudson sticker on my closet door.

During Spence's closet cleaning, we found these Croc boots that Grandma and Grandpa gave us for Christmas one year. He looked like a go-go dancer and had a blast!

Last night we took the boys to a carnival at a local elementary school. Coleman had a great time on several of the moonwalks.

a little over 31 weeks
And yes, it could be up to 9 more weeks before this baby arrives. Do you think I'll make it that long? I promise you that is not a basketball under my shirt. Um, or a watermelon.


Anonymous said...

Hum I think I need to resubmit a new due date on my guess sheet.
Babies grow so nicely these days. Mommies eat good foods and those vitamins for moms and babies are great.
I don't think it will be 9 weeks..
I think Allie will come in May.
Emerald & Lily of the Valley.
The closet looks GREAT!
Love the green boots!

Paul and Candice said...

Good for you with all your organizing! That's awesome! I'm planning a week of organizing/throwing a lot of stuff away next week. My parents are coming next weekend, and they're taking Paul David back with them. I'm hoping to get this house in shape---then I'm treating myself to two cleaning ladies:)

You look great by the way! It's getting sooooo close:)

Mrs. H said...

Yay for organizing! It always makes me feel so much better when it is all done!

I just don't think you will go 9 more weeks! I can't imagine your little belly growing any bigger!

Can't wait to see what is in there!!!

Anonymous said...

You're nesting...

Rita said...

HGTV would be proud of your closet!! And yes. spence looks adorable and you, my dear, look even more radiant than 2 weeks ago!!! By radiant I mean beautiful and glowing!!

Jennifer said...

You are definately not making it 9 more weeks! And don't be embarrased by your closet; we have all had closets looks like that at one time or another. You must be getting close since you are nesting and organizing!

Anonymous said...

So glad you're back blogging. I was having withdrawals. You look so cute with child. I'm hoping for a baby Allie, but boys are so fun! Sandy Brittain