Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Two Cuties

Just chillin'... until Daddy gets home. Then these bean bags are stacked up and little boys are thrown 6 feet across the room, landing on them. Next, they hang on to the bean bags for dear life while Daddy grabs their feet and spins them round and round. Brian said he never had bean bags as a child, and those are the things he would have wanted to do with them! I just assume all this is normal and smile.


Anonymous said...

What nice boys to come home to!
Daddies are so much fun to play with!
This is definitly a hang on the wall picture!
6 feet across the room....
hum some things grandma just doesn't need to know.. .LOL>

Rita said...

I would understand if this is special Mommy time...time she goes grocery shopping or to the mall!!
Actually , it is normal...for those with Y genes!!.

Jeani said...

The pictures you post are starting to remind me of the Pikkula boys from MT when they were young.