Sunday, August 02, 2009

Balcony Dwellers

Today was my third Sunday back in church since Allie was born. One Sunday I got to hear the Sunday School lesson, the next Sunday I was able to hear the sermon, and today I was able to worship in song! I did get to hear the first five minutes of the sermon also, where our Pastor mentioned Coleman and his awesome swimming skills! For the last two Sundays Brian, Allie, and I have been sitting in the balcony. A few people choose to sit in the balcony, but it's more like an area for a group of misfits:
  • parents with a new baby who need a quick exit without disturbing too many people
  • a grandma who brings her three rambunctious grandkids
  • youth that want to chit chat
  • people who mistakenly think church starts at 11:00, not 10:30
Wherever we have to sit, I'm glad to be back at church! And just a few more weeks and Allie can go to the nursery.

Two smiles and a snoozer

A girl can't always wear pink!

1 comment:

Rita said...

It's only been a couple of weeks but the kids have changed so much!!!!