Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carnival Day!

Today was carnival day at Spence and Allie's school. They dressed up in their Halloween costumes and looked adorable! Well, as adorable as a G.I. Joe Snake Eyes and a Stripper Ballerina can look! When I first dressed Allie this morning, she did everything she could to get out of that leotard! I only saw her disrobing once at the actual carnival though. They had a great time, and we've already eaten half the candy!

See, aren't they cute?

Here's a picture taken outside the school

And the little angel... I mean ballerina!

Allie's class and her teachers

Toss the beanbag

I think Spence has his first crush! He always talks about Emily!

Spence's class

Spence with his teachers
I just love their costumes!


Rita said...

They are just too cute for words!!!! I can not wait to give those cheeks a kiss!!!

Rhonda said...

REALLY cute Amanda! The costumes are just adorable.

Paul and Candice said...

So cute! Her ballerina costume turned out adorable! Judson HATES his costume...he keeps trying to pull it off! Hopefully, we'll get a picture or two:) Have fun this weekend!!!!

Jeani said...

You can tell Allie for me, that I understand her trying to get her outfit off. I would have been a famous ballerina if it wasn't for those tights & itchy outfits. :)