Friday, October 29, 2010

Three Kid Quotes

Kid Number 1 is always saying something funny. Here's his latest:

Coleman: I DO NOT like Kindergarten!!! Wait.... do I?

Kid Number 2 is pretty silly also. Here's what he thought of the disgusting bathroom at their camping site:

Spence: Daddy, I need to go poo poo!
Daddy took him to the bathroom and led him in.
Spence: Can I just go in my pants?

And Kid Number 3, though she doesn't talk in sentences yet, is getting a bigger and bigger vocabulary! I can tell she's gonna be a goof also! We have lots of pumpkins around here, and she has been trying to say "pumpkin" the last few days. Here's how she says it:

Allie: Bup-kee!


Rhonda said...

It's so awesome you have this "online diary" to keep track of all the kids funnies!
And we get to share in it!

Paul and Candice said...

So cute! I can't wait for Judson to talk a little more and see what he has to say about things...oh, wait, maybe I can wait!

Rita said... is ok when it doesn't interfere with some other fun activities like going to the zoo or somehting...

and maybe Spence would have liked just a pile of leaves better...LOL

and wait until Allie sees all Christmas decorations!!!
thanks for sharing...

Anonymous said...

I agree with both Rhonda and Rita!
Nice we get to share your exciting times and watch the children grow, act silly and enjoy the funnies!
And wait till Allie sees CHRISTMAS

Jeani said...
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