Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What's In Your Brain?

*Updated at the bottom so Spence wouldn't be left out!*

I've mentioned before how much I enjoy conversations with the boys after I pick them up from school. Today we had a good one.

Coleman: Why does God love bad guys?
Mommy: Good question! Because he made everyone and He loves good guys and bad guys.
Coleman: But why did He make bad guys?
Mommy: He didn't make them bad. We all have to choose if we're going to obey God and do good or not obey Him and do bad things.
Coleman: (in response to something Spence said) God lives in our heart and in Heaven. And in our brain.
Mommy: Ha! I never thought of it like that, but I guess if we think about Him then He is in our brains!
Coleman: How does He live in our heart?
Mommy: When we believe in Him, He lives in our hearts.
Coleman: What does He eat?

After that, the conversation was a lot of me trying to explain how God doesn't have a body, but is a spirit and doesn't need food. I made sure to tell Coleman how much I enjoy these conversations and that he learns by asking questions. I pray that God will always give me answers that will make sense to him at his level. Brian says with boys it all boils down to good guys and bad guys. He's so right!

Since Allie didn't have any cute words to share today, here's a picture:

Allie and I went with my Mom and Dad to a wedding this past weekend. We've known Pam and Kenneth and their daughter Charity for many years and consider them wonderful friends. It was so neat to get to see Charity get married Saturday! Here are a few pictures.

Nathan and Charity

The bride and Allie

All Nana's friends said Allie looks like her!

Brian and the boys watched "Prince of Egypt" while I was gone this weekend. I wanted to see it, so Spence sat down and watched it with me this afternoon. If you asked him what we watched, he'd say, "Pince a Begypt."


Anonymous said...

I love the pic with Charity and Allie. It was so great to finally meet her although I felt like I already knew her. It was also great to see you and your mom and dad. Thank you so much for coming all the way from Houston. I think you were the farthest traveled except for Nikki from Australia, of course. We love you,

Unknown said...

Too funny what little kids think of to ask! And question for you, what NetFlix subscription do y'all have? If we get one, I am trying to figure out which would be the best to get.