Tuesday, September 01, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school, and the mall welcomed me back with open arms! Yes, Allie and I did have a fun time at the mall, but I'll spare those details and just tell you about the boys' first day.

They were both excited about going back, but as soon as we walked up to Coleman's room and he saw all the kids and parents he refused to go in. I basically had to push him in and turn around and walk off. He was right behind me, but his teacher told him to come back. I knew he would be fine in a few minutes. When I picked him up, he told me all about the behavior chart and how you get a sticker if your clip stays on green. You can move down to yellow or red if you don't follow the rules, and one boy went down to yellow but then he was nice and moved back up to green. You can also move up if you do something really really good. Then you get to choose a prize like a book or toy or candy. One boy moved up today because he found a button (the words of my four year old). Coleman said he was really good and kind but he just stayed on green. He was a little disappointed that he didn't move up. Maybe Thursday I'll send a button for him to find! I told him staying on green was great and I was proud of him.

Spence also had fun. He stayed on his mat during nap time, but didn't sleep. Most kids in his room probably didn't because I was told there was a screamer. I didn't get as many details from Spence, but I think he had a good day.

Spence looking up for a second to tell me bye. He was ready for me to go so he could play! I couldn't get a picture of Coleman in his room because I had to take off and let the teachers make him stay. Poor guy!

We had fun on our first day!

And you didn't think I would post without a new picture of Allie, did you?

My sweet little angel is not petite. She's already wearing some 3 - 6 month clothes. Actually, I got out a 3 - 6 month dress for her to wear to church Sunday and it was too small! She never got to wear it! I just love the little pink outfit she has on in the picture above. It's a gift from one of those fancy baby boutiques. Every girl needs something a little pricey! Something that Mommy would never buy!


Paul and Candice said...

So very cute! I wish we'd had our first day today! I sure could use it! His starts next Tuesday, but we're going to my parents that week. Judson moved to 3-6 mo clothes a couple of weeks ago. When we were at my parents in August, I put him in an outfit that was 3-6 mo, and it was probably the one and only time he'll wear it. Some things are too small and some too big! These babies are growing too fast!

Rita said...

Glad you all had a good day!!! Well. most of the day....cute pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm on a countdown to get to see beautiful Allie. I can't wait.


Jennifer said...

I'm so glad that the boys had a great first day of school!