Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Girl Can Never Have Too Many Shoes!

She packed up her potential and all she had learned, grabbed a cute pair of shoes and headed out to change a few things.* (Leigh Standley, Curly Girl Designs)

This weekend is tax-free shopping weekend (no tax on clothing or shoes), so I had no plans to do any shopping other than for groceries. Then I realized my World Market coupon was about to expire and figured it wouldn't be too crowded since it's a home furnishing and decor store. I also realized I had a Payless Shoes coupon, and combined with their BOGO 1/2 off deal and no sales tax, I could get Allie some new shoes for a pretty good price. So Spence and I headed out and did a little shopping. I've never seen a line at Payless, but today it was about 5 people long at its peak. Not too bad, and I found some really cute shoes for the little lady!

Check out my brown and pink sneaks!

Lovely fuchsia Mary Janes

Mommy, I just can't decide!

The shoes must eventually come off! After bath Allie wanted to look at one of her favorite books. Jeani, you sent this book for Coleman (I'm pretty sure) when he was a baby and all 3 of my kids have loved it!

Coleman waiting for Daddy and Spence to return from Home Depot to watch the Texans' game. He's all decked out in his Texans jersey, football helmet, and foam finger!

*While in Montana I saw some Curly Girl products and got a kick out of the sayings! I see how much Allie already loves her shoes, and I think we may be in trouble!


Anonymous said...

Ah ha....
A girl can never have enough shoes!
Pink and brown tennies..
& fushia Mary Janes
how Cool is that!
She is growing up fast!

Rita said...

They are so darling...esp on her....cute. cute.cute....

And Coleman looks so grown up....waiting for the "game"...

Love you all!!

Little girl things are just so cute!!!!