OK, I've almost let an entire week pass since I've last posted. I know the suspense of not knowing what's going on in our lives has you on the edge of your seat! I'm afraid I have no exciting things to share at the moment. Maybe that's good. My sinus infection is clearing up nicely. Finally, after two months! Brian and Spence seem to be feeling good. Coleman woke up cranky from his nap yesterday, but he didn't want to admit to feeling bad because I had promised a trip to the library. While at the library he informed me that his ear hurt. Brian took him to an after hours pediatric clinic last night and he was diagnosed with an ear infection. So half of us are on antibiotics now. We're just trying to break in our new insurance!
Last night Coleman was feeling better and was actually running around being silly. I told him he was a goofball. He said, "No, I'm not a goofball. Spence is a goofball. I'm a hoot." I think Nana told him he was a hoot once way back when, and he has never forgotten it! He usually says he's two hoots!
I just realized I didn't write anything on Thanksgiving. I'm going to be honest here. Sometimes I get kind of irritated with holidays that try to make you focus one day out of the year on something we should focus on daily. Take Thanksgiving. It is wonderful to give thanks. But shouldn't we be thankful every day? I know, it's a good opportunity to spend time with family and eat a huge meal and not feel guilty about watching parades or football all day. Maybe it helps people who usually aren't thankful realize all the things they have to be thankful for. Ok, ok. Keep celebrating Thanksgiving. And now we're entering the Christmas season. The thing that irks me about this time of year is the commercialism and how Jesus is taken out of it. What is everybody celebrating??? Santa? Presents? Surviving the mall? I am not completely innocent here. I've been talking about Santa, buying presents, and taking on the mall myself. So why am I so bothered? Am I a scrooge? No. I love this time of year! I love the decorations, the pretty gift wrap, the music, and the shopping. I just want to keep my focus where it should be - on Jesus. He is what it's all about. Our pastor pointed out that this is a wonderful time of year for sharing Jesus. There are so many ways, from starting a discussion about the true meaning of Christmas, to inviting someone to a church musical. So no more bah-humbug for me! I'm excited about this time of year! Sure, others may be in it for the parties and presents (and hey, those are fun), but I know it's about a baby born in a manger who came to save the world! Will I have the guts to tell others that though? I hope so! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Wow, and I thought I didn't have anything to say today!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
How was I so blessed to have you for a daughter in law?????? You said it all so well....love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love your blog and I have missed it. You are so good when you are "intrspective". Love, Mom
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