Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fun-filled Saturday Part 1

There was so much fun to be had yesterday that it requires two posts! The day started with the annual Easter Egg Hunt at our church. It's supposed to be for kids 2 and older, but since there were so many little ones there they had a separate egg hunt for 2 and under. Luckily I had brought Spence's basket in case of such a situation. Occasionally I come prepared.

Coleman and his soccer ball basket and Spence and his froggy basket

This was Spence's first Easter Egg Hunt. He found 3 eggs!

On your mark, get set, GO!!! Coleman might have gotten a slow start (he's behind the girl in the blue dress), but he ran past all the other kids to the end of the field and had his choice of eggs.

Smiling over the victorious hunt!

The boys and the pastor's kids after the egg hunt. You can see Spence got into the chocolate-filled eggs.

The day wasn't over here! We got in the car and headed toward our second fun-filled activity...


Rita said...

Spence looks like has enjoyed the hunt and chocolate...and I see Coleman flirting....oh oh...he's only 3!!! "-)

Anonymous said...

how fun!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!
Good memories !
Are those hair cuts we see?
Wow how grown up the boys look!
Thanks for sharing the fun!