The past few weeks our pastor has been preaching on how Jesus reached out to seekers, skeptics, outcasts, and the hurting and has given us advice on how we can do the same. If you'd like to listen to any of these sermons, you can find them on our church's website. This past Sunday he preached on making every moment count and gave us three things we can pray for every day: our opportunities, our obstacles, and our obligations. We should pray for opportunities to share His love with others every day (and eyes to see these opportunities and wisdom to know how to handle them). I started doing this, and the first day I really saw my opportunity. I was in the check-out line at the grocery store. It was Sunday afternoon and the people in front of me were in their church clothes. I didn't catch everything they were saying, but they were displeased with the checker and were being quite rude to her. She was not being rude back to them, just trying to explain why they couldn't use the coupon they were trying to use. It made me feel sick to see these people who were obviously on their way from or going to church treating this girl so poorly. When they left, I said, "I'm so sorry that they were rude to you. I hope you don't have to deal with too many people like that." She said that she did, and people were most rude on Sunday. How sad! As I was talking to her, I could see the rude lady talking with a manager. After she finished checking me out, I found the same manager and let her know that the checker was very polite, and even though the customers in front of me were quite rude to her, she was not rude to them. I was so excited that God had given me an opportunity, even if it was just something small.
The next day I prayed the same prayer. For some reason, I felt like c-r-a-p all day. Coleman was being a little tooty, and it was a dreary day. I think Satan was trying to keep me from seeing an opportunity to share Jesus' love. Hopefully something I did with the boys was pleasing in God's eyes. I'm trying to remember that whatever I do, to do it in the name of the Lord Jesus (Col. 3:17), even if it's just reading books and playing games with the boys. Some days that's my ministry!
Today I let the love of Jesus shine through me by not banging the mess out of the Ford Excursion that was parked next to me, half in my spot, making it near impossible to get Spence into his car seat.
I wonder what my opportunity will be tomorrow???
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
Oh Amanda-what a nice thing to do-if everyone was a little nicer it sure would be a better world. I'll see what I can do today too-Mary
I know that is was not a small thing to the was is her means of earing money and you stuck up for her with her may have made a difference on her record...what an angel you were...God uses us so many ways if we take the time and have the courage to do something..
Being a loving Mommy is doing GOd's work daily...don't you ever forget it!!!!
Your words warmed my heart. Thanks for praying and actually following through on your prayer...God is so faithful to give us those opportunities. I am proud of you.
Opportunities are all around us. I think sometimes we forget that they are there. That was a great thing you did for that young lady.
Love ya
Amanda, what is your regular email. I have lost it. I enjoyed your post; unfortunately I was the other people one day a couple of months ago, and I felt horrible. I basically lost my temper over truly illogical reasoning by the store and clerk; but instead, I should have just left instead of stating my mind. I repented in the car immediately; and have since regretted it often. I am thankful that most times I act correctly; but thank God for His mercy and grace and forgiveness. I am confessing on your blog; I must be crazy. Can I sign it anonymous? Nope - sheree
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