Brian brought some boxes home from work and made a cool tunnel for the boys to crawl through. They had tons of fun until they decided to smash it. I guess that's a guy thing.
I took the boys to the pool yesterday and Spence started jumping in! Mostly I held his hands and he jumped, but once he went in all by himself. And of course Coleman is a fish. They had a blast. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time at the pool this summer.
Coleman and Spence are best buds. Coleman is always wanting Spence to play with him (as long as Spence doesn't want his toy). The other day I caught Spence sitting in Coleman's lap while they watched a video.
And you know I have to tell you some of the interesting things Coleman has said. Today he asked, "Where does the grass go when you mow it?" Then he was following Spence around and sniffing him saying, "I want to smell you because you smell like strawberries!" We got a new carseat that is a lot narrower so a person can sit in between the boys in the truck. It's sitting in the living room now, and this morning Coleman put on his football helmet, strapped himself in, and said, "I'm blasting off!"
Here are two more pictures from today. We went to a playgroup at the park and then to the mall for lunch. Hope you have a great Friday!
funny how boxes are such a hit with boys. :)
they look so cute.
they also look a little hot...
oh and your Mom is so nice. :)
Sweet's a Mother's dream to have them play so well together...most of the time!!
Glad Nana could get the painting done!!
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