Friday, June 27, 2008

Return of the Tomato

Last night we ate at Whataburger, and guess what. The tomato is back! Have you had one yet? I like tomatoes, but they are no where near as important as the dearly loved pickle, so it wasn't as if I was falling into a deep depression while they were gone. I suppose they've just become a common vegetable (or are they a fruit? that one's always baffled me.) to put on a burger, chicken sandwich, or salad. Now, my dad does not like to be referenced on my blog, but I have to share something. Sorry Dad. He and Mom came to stay with us for a few days and they brought their own tomatoes (since they are a staple in his diet) that were homegrown by a friend. Before we left for Whataburger, Mom sliced one for his burger, put it in a baggie, and took it with us! I found this pretty funny. It was like Christmas day when we got our burgers and found that they had tomatoes once again. Tomato jackpot!

OK, but in all seriousness, the boys had a great time with Nana and Poppa. We walked down to the lake and went fishing. Nana caught the biggest fish, and then Nana, Coleman, and Spence working as a team caught a turtle. Of course we threw everything back. The fish probably enjoyed our trip to the lake more than we did. They had a feast of hot dog wienies, since I didn't have any worms laying around.

Ready to Fish!

And here he is fishing!

It takes a village to catch a fish.

Coleman and his 4

Coleman was playing with legos and said, "Look! I made a 4." Then he told me it was my birthday, which actually is correct. My birthday is November 4th. He started singing "Happy Birthday" to me. Then he dropped the 4 and it broke apart. He said, "I can fix anything for you," and put it back together. Then he walked around the house acting like he was straight out of Sesame Street. It was pretty cute.

Spence says, "I may not have made that cool 4 for you, but take my picture too!"

And he continued to try and impress. It worked!


Rita said...

I just want to know...who exactly touched the fish??????????????? and turtle????????????????????

Did Nana???? or the boys??

Tomatoes are good....your Dad is like me....taking "food" in a baggie when I eat out...:-)

Anonymous said...


What a wonderful looking family. I see that God has blessed yall. Also let me know what Park yall used for the Walgreens trip so I can avoid it.
Chris Jeffus